Thursday, June 26, 2008





第二天,我把这事件告诉珊霓,她笑着说,“应该是鬼遮眼,多两天你就会找回的。” 我就说,“怎么可能遮那么多个人啊!” 谁知道今天早上,在我从健身中心回家的路途中,被我发现它就在司机座位旁的隙缝,不须搜也不须翻,正在驾驶的我只要往左下方看,就看见了!!!



Rosabel said... scary! At least you have a bunch of good friends around to help you at that time!

jessy_mylee said...

I have a very similar experience myself too.

It happened after I paid off the ticket, ready to slot it in the machine at the exit and get out. Just at that time, my ticket gone. My friends and I searched high and low but couldn't find it. After 10 min, I gave up.

I went back to the counter and told that lady that I've lost the ticket. End up, I was fined HKD210 + HKD45. It's very frustrating that I was not only need to pay for the penalty for losing the ticket, but the hourly charge (HKD45 for 3 hrs) that I have already paid just 10min ago. Can you imagine?

And guess what? 2 days later, when I drove the car out again, I saw that damn ticket laid just next to the gear box.

I swear I searched that area too, but it was just invisible at that moment.

Maybe like what you said : ghost cover the eyes !